Tweet This Site To Neil...
I need your help to bring my story to Neil Gaiman's attention.
Neil has said in interviews that he would be open to publishing a sequel to the story of Coraline. But he wants a good story before he does; he doesn't want to publish one just for the sake of making a sequel.​
This is a problem for Coraline fans. Sure, Neil's preference is to leave Coraline's story as a standalone work, one without a final unraveling. But I can't help but think that part of his reluctance to publish a sequel might be because he hasn't found the write story yet.
If he sees this site, and reads Coraline 2: the Final Unraveling, maybe he'll consider making it the official sequel! Or maybe he'll be inspired to write his own sequel. At the very least, he will see that Coraline fans are still actively desiring a proper ending for Coraline's story.
The best way to bring this story to Neil's attention is by tweeting him at his personal twitter account. If enough people do this, he will be sure to see it. Please click the button below to tweet a link to this site to Neil.