the story continues...
After 17 years of living her life, Coraline Jones has all but forgotten about the Other Mother.
After 17 years of careful scheming, the Other Mother has forgotten everything but Coraline.

Written in the style and form of the beloved original book by Neil Gaiman, this unofficial sequel finally gives fans the ending they have been waiting for.
Celebrate with the characters you love, like Mr. B and Miss Spink; and be introduced to new and wacky characters such as Melrose Prim and Police Detectives Smith and Wesson!
Read Coraline 2: the Final Unraveling and find out how the story ends.
​"My first consideration when writing this unauthorized sequel was this: Could I write it in such a way that it matches and goes well with the original book?
I took time and researched all of Neil Gaiman's writings. Not only did I keep a long list of his writing techniques, but I also watched and read for the spirit of his voice.
Now, after spending many months on this project, I can say, yes. I can capture the original book's style and flow, and what's more, I have done it.
I wouldn't have written this if I didn't think it honored Neil, and the story of Coraline."​
The Story...

Coraline has tried to put the past behind her. She is older now. She has a daughter, Finley.
But what happens when her past tries to reach into her daughter's future?